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24/02/2013 19:33:41

Tim Hopes
Posts: 9
Trying to get the two halves of the mast apart so it is easier to re-varnish (as I can then get the mast into the warmth) but have not been able to separate them. There is a rivet on the front of the mast about one inch/2.5cm below the joint, apparently doing nothing. I am not sure if the previous owner riveted the two halves together or if it is holding an internal fitting. I don't have another boat to compare against. Can anyone advise? Thanks 

25/02/2013 11:19:35

Tim Hopes
Posts: 9
Thanks for the help Al. Have now managed to move it 1cm - more soaking, neighbour resting...

25/02/2013 19:38:12

Tim Hopes
Posts: 9
Now got the two halves apart. It's going to be a tight fit to get them back together. Is it OK to sand the inner sleeve and any suggestions on a more permanent lubricant to help it come apart next time? Thanks

25/02/2013 20:46:24

Posts: 0
I am surprised you are having to consider sanding the sleeve? I just make sure mine has a good smothering of Vaseline and it then is easy to come apart. Be careful sanding.

26/02/2013 08:43:45

Tim Hopes
Posts: 9
Many thanks both for the advice. Aim is to get it all back together in time for a first outing at Chew, having spent the last year learning how to fall off "gracefully" :) 
197 currently undergoing major tlc and bimble, now where did that rope route...?

26/02/2013 19:13:59

Posts: 0
Trying to get the two halves of the mast apart so it is easier to re-varnish (as I can then get the mast into the warmth) but have not been able to separate them. There is a rivet on the front of the mast about one inch/2.5cm below the joint, apparently doing nothing. I am not sure if the previous owner riveted the two halves together or if it is holding an internal fitting. I don't have another boat to compare against. Can anyone advise? Thanks 

Last resort - compressed air would separate the two halves - but probably launch one half into outer space !

This is NOT a recommendation !

If you can't get it apart you could try varnishing one end at a time by putting in through the Living Room window fanlight - just a thought.

27/02/2013 10:38:21

Tim Hopes
Posts: 9
Living room use not recommended - less domestic stress ;)  - currently 'fuming' my office
Using International Perfection Plus 2-part varnish as recommended by LDC. Applying one coat to keep weight down. Surprised how in need of a coat of varnish the mast and spinney pole were. Boom still OK as under cover majority of time. Definitely noticed carbon fibres irritating my hands especially from the top section. Mast now 'back to black'.

27/02/2013 21:07:30

Posts: 0
Yes, I was going to mention that (the fibres) !

The spinny pole is a particular culprit - unbelievably irritating and takes a week to fully go !
edited by Chris421 on 27/02/2013

04/03/2013 15:04:39

Tim Hopes
Posts: 9
Thanks all. last update - mast went back together OK with some lubrication and no sanding - used silicone grease rather than Vaseline as likely to be better in long run.

07/03/2013 14:19:45

Posts: 0
I've been thru this game too - it took me 2 hours to get them apart for Holland last year. We decided in the end that it was the ProLube I'd been applying that caused the problem - it seemed to convert itself to a glue. Once I got rid of that, and just left it to its own devices, it has been far less troublesome.

Varnishing spars is a job i was chatting to Ugs Vincent about at the Dinghy Show. I think I need to have a go too.

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