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15/08/2013 11:18:37

Joe Roberts
Posts: 2
Hi all.

The previous owner of my boat had stuck some heavy duty plastic tape around the mast, where it swivels inside the mast deck collar. It's now falling off, and I'm wondering what to replace it with? What do people use?

I've seen another 100 with a thin aluminium collar, which incidentally had fallen off! Mine (#229) doesn't have this.

What do people recommend?



15/08/2013 12:35:32

Posts: 0
Ah, now then.  I've just refitted my stainless band(s) for the second time following Rob Eastwood's (RS) advice.  I hope he won't mind me attaching a document he sent and copying his notes below:
"Attached is the instruction sheet for the original fix, if you are re-fixing it, make sure both surfaces are clean, well keyed (ie scour them with coarse glass paper to make sure the glue has something to grip) and properly degreased, and make sure there are no lifted edges which could snag or allow water penetration. Our retail dept can supply the adhesive, originally we used industrial strength super glue but we do have a product called Psigrip which is more expensive, but might be longer lasting and which could be used to cover the edges rather than epoxy. Do wear disposable gloves when doing it, especially if you are using the superglue, or you’ll end up stuck to the mast! The Psigrip stays workable longer.

Hope this helps!"

The stainless strips are available from RS.

I've wondered whether a replaceable heat shrink sleeve would be a better option although possibly too thick to fit through the deck plate.

15/08/2013 12:42:31

Posts: 0
I was trying to attach the document from Rob, but it didn't work so here's the text:

Mast Modification RS 100


Materials Required

Cyano Acrylate “Super Glue”

Disposable Gloves

Tongue depressor

Coarse Glass paper


Stainless strip

masking tape

Electricians tape



1) Carefully measure the mast where it goes through the deck for the rig you are using and mark with masking tape ensuring there is enough clearance with the mast fully raked.

2) Offer up the stainless strip and mark the bottom with masking tape.

3) If the mast is showing wear, level the surface with a filler of epoxy thickened with microbaloons.

15/08/2013 12:43:42

Posts: 0
..and the rest:

4) Sand the mast where you plan to fit the strip to key the surface, and key the back of the stainless strip as well.

5) Clean the area to be glued with the solvent.

6) Spread a thin layer of the glue on the stainless using the tongue depressor: make sure you use gloves!

7)Offer the strip to the mast so the gap is at the front (in line with the rivet) and hold it in place while an assistant wraps a layer of electrical tape (or similar) all round it. It is important that this is really tight and covers the whole thing, paying particular attention to the edges.

8) Leave for at least an hour to go off before removing tape- if possible leave over night.

9) For a better finish, you can seal the edges with a little epoxy to make sure water doesn't get in under the strip.

10) Check it in the organiser- you may need to lightly sand the organiser collar to make it fit: a flapper wheel on a drill is ideal for this, but don't go mad, it should be snug.

15/08/2013 14:12:18

Steve Kimpton
Posts: 10
My first go at fixing the stainless shim was unsuccessful - it started to peel off in a few weeks.  Next time I wrapped it as tightly as I could around a 1/2 inch metal bar to put in some pre bend.  It's tricky to do this for fear of putting in a crease but patience and a vice helps.

You then have to spring it open to fit round the mast but after a year or so mine is still glued on tightly.

19/08/2013 09:26:14

Joe Roberts
Posts: 2
This is really useful, many thanks, Andy. I'll give this a whirl when I find a replacement stainless sleeve. Thanks Steve, too.

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