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21 June - 24 June 2024 - YC Carnac, Brittany

RS700 Europeans and RS100, RS200 EuroCup 2024

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Event has ended


Entry List

FleetSail NoHelmCrew Club
RS100 Fleet
RS100526Mostyn EvansMounts Bay SCFrance 
RS100505Andrew JonesChew valley Lake SCUnited Kingdom 
RS100509Clive EplettFrensham PondUnited Kingdom 
RS100259Ian GregoryFrensham Pond and Stokes BayUnited Kingdom 
RS100305Philippa EvansMounts Bay SCUnited Kingdom 
RS200 Fleet
RS2001466David SweetAnna Mason Chew Valley United Kingdom 
RS700 Fleet
RS7001062Matt CarterLancing SCUnited Kingdom 
RS7001042Peter PurkissBrightlingsea United Kingdom 
RS700720Richard WadsworthRNSA / Stokes Bay Sailing ClubUnited Kingdom 
RS7001043Jiri KuthanYC LiskovecCzech Republic 
RS700729Jiří SmrčkaCesky Yacht KlubCzech Republic 
RS7001068Roland SmithHISCUnited Kingdom 
RS7001031Robbie BellSnettisham Beach SCUnited Kingdom 
RS700801Stephen CarrBrightlingsea Sailing ClubUnited Kingdom 
RS700810Adam OttYC BrnoCzech Republic 
RS700951Marek DudakYC CERECzech Republic 
RS700FRA 1017Cedric FrabouletYacht Club CarnacFrance

Paying by Bank Transfer

  1. Please pay GBP150.00 into the account listed below.
  2. Add the Entry ID 10095 as the payment reference as well to help us in linking the payment to your entry details.
Once transfer has completed your entry will be marked as paid, this is done manually so there may be a delay of up to 2 working days for your entry to show green
Many thanks

Acct Name: RS Classes International Group
Sort Code: 20-97-40
Account No: 60956481
IBAN: GB90 BUKB 2097 4060 9564 81

RS7001027Colin DaceySnettisham Beach S.C.United Kingdom 
RS7001053Goubil Philippe Carnac France

Paying by Bank Transfer

  1. Please pay GBP175.00 into the account listed below.
  2. Add the Entry ID 10100 as the payment reference as well to help us in linking the payment to your entry details.
Once transfer has completed your entry will be marked as paid, this is done manually so there may be a delay of up to 2 working days for your entry to show green
Many thanks

Acct Name: RS Classes International Group
Sort Code: 20-97-40
Account No: 60956481
IBAN: GB90 BUKB 2097 4060 9564 81



Refund policy:
If you cancel your entry before the early entry deadline we will refund all fees, minus a £15 admin fee. If you cancel after the early entry deadline, but before online entry closes our standard policy is to return 50% of fees. Where an event entry limit has been reached a refund will only be issued if another boat from the waiting list takes your place. If you cancel after entry closes we will not usually issue a refund.
Please note that where entry is paid directly to the club and for club hosted events a different policy may apply - please contact the club for details.